Pinterest for Business Marketing

Pinterest Marketing is a subject that is beginning to have more and more influence over the success and failure of online businesses and offers a whole new way for businesses to interact and market to their audience.

Zaddle understands the best techniques and methods to make the pinterest world react to your content. So what do you need to do to make sure the content you share is good for a Pinterest Market?

1. Understand your Audience

The most important part of marketing on Pinterest is understanding that the Pinterest audience is a different kind of audience.

First off, more than 80% of Pinterest users are female. Straight away this asks the question ‘should I be marketing on Pinterest?‘ because if your customer base and target market at majorly Male, Pinterest may not be for you.

Secondly, roughly 27.4% of users are aged between 25-34. With almost 50% of users being between the ranges of 25 and 44. With this in mind, Pinterest is perfect for you if you are aiming at a female audience with an average age of 34.

2. Content Marketing > Advertising

Pinterest is perfect for someone who wants to get their name out there, without actually trying to directly sell.

59% of people on pinterest are more inclined to click on a link that is to a blog or an image rather than a product page.

This shows that people on pinterest are looking for engaging content that they might be interested in buying. So your best bet if you are trying to get your brand out on pinterest is make sure to have great imagery.

Post on Pinterest whenever you have something for sharing on your blog or you have an image that you think will be of interest with your target audience.

That way, you will be giving the users exactly what they are looking for while still getting your brand out there, since the blog can always be hosted on your website.

3. Look around for Inspiration from other users

If people are pinning your content, it means they take an interest in what you are sharing. For that reason, chances are they have pinned things from other business or from other users that are also relevant to the same topic/industry.

So the trick here is to use the other pins this person has posted to get inspiration for yourself. Just because someone has already posted a piece of content relating to a particular topic doesn’t mean that there isn’t room for you to post about the same or a similar topic.

As long as the post is written by you or one of your team and has your own spin on whatever the topic is, then the content is good to go! Voila, you have something to share.

4. Categorization is King on Pinterest

Pinterest allows you not only to ‘pin’ your content, but it also allows you to create a huge number of ‘boards’ to pin on.

If your business has a number of different services or categories, make sure that you make use of this feature! You can have a board for every different category and then when you have something to pin, pin it within that particular board.

This will then surround it with pins all about the same topics. Users will love this because it means that they will find a lot of what they want to read about, all in one place!

5. Frequency

With respect to the amount you post, Pinterest is just like all the other social media platforms.

Timing your pins to avoid annoying your audience or, worse still, losing their interest, is of the utmost importance. Create a schedule of what and when you will pin. This will help you avoid post too frequently or not enough.

With these tips in mind, you can now successfully begin to venture into the world of Pinterest.

Zaddle offer courses on how to use Pinterest to your own advantage and how to engage your audience. See our Pinterest Training For Business page to find out more.